Friday 16 September 2011

Who should I believe, husband of 42 yrs. or his high school girlfriend who won't let it go?

We've been married 42 yrs. and since the very first date I have been harassed. by this woman. She started by calling %26amp; hanging up then she started to add that he was with her after he took me home. We married, moved to another town, she still kept up with the phone calls %26amp; hang-ups, still saying the same stuff. We started a family and it was then that I had had enough and had our number changed. All this time my husband kept telling me to ignore her. He said if he confronted her she would file harassment charges against him. I believed him and thought we would be better to just chalk it up to Junior High behavior. Well it suddenly stopped, hadn't heard a word for 39yrs. then he started getting inapropriate greeting cards from her (un-signed) but recognised the handwriting. She had come across our new address from a co-worker of my husbands which was her brother's neighbor. Information that just fell into her lap. OK, now my husband has been diagnosed with dementia and cannot have a meaningful conversation. He does not comprehend a question being asked so it will not do any good to even discuss this matter with him. It's all on me again. She mentioned in one of the cards(Your daughter says happy birthday, the one you forgot about ). Is she lying? Is she just continuing her little junior high games because she doesn't have a life? or is she telling the truth? She was on so my son pretended he ws my husband to find out if she would tell the real story to him. She asked him(thinking it was my husband) what happened with their relationship. She said she had got a job like they planned and the next thing she knew he was getting married. That tells me she hadn't seen him since before we were married. My son revealed who he really was and then she started her games again by posting on classmates for everyone to read that she had an affair with her boyfriend in high school and if you know who I am you will know who he is. How can someone be so mean. She also knows that my husband has dementia. Should I just keep ignoring her or should I let it go. I have enough to deal with right now. I just want it to stop!Who should I believe, husband of 42 yrs. or his high school girlfriend who won't let it go?Tell me again why you aren't just throwing out those letters and ignoring anything that comes out of her mouth? If she was really telling the truth, don't you think she would have filed for child support payments after running DNA tests??? She's obviously still devastated about being dumped and is still spiteful of your marriage. Do you blame your husband for dumping this type of woman? Whether or not it may be true, you can't believe a word that comes out of her. Just ignore her and notify the police if she continues to harass you.
Who should I believe, husband of 42 yrs. or his high school girlfriend who won't let it go?
it sounds like she has mental problems of her own.

I would ignore it, until she does something where you can involve the police. a lawyer might be able to help you ID when the police could help - when it is officially illegal.

I think she just wants to stir up trouble.
Who should I believe, husband of 42 yrs. or his high school girlfriend who won't let it go?
It sounds to me that from what she said to your son that she hasnt seen him since high school, and not after you got married.

I would perhaps consider contact the police, it is her who is harrassing you
Why don't YOU file harrassment charges on her?

And just ignore her?

You should be focusing on your husband, the many years of dedication and your devotion to him... not some lady who can't let it go...

Your vow was to your husband.... not this crazy a-s-s lady.
WHAT???? 42 YEARS!!!

Christ this woman is a real nut.

I would get the police involved. Seriously.

Wow.. I would completely ignore her. Eventually she will get the hint. I would definately believe your husband over her.. he may have shown some interest a long time ago and that pushed her to stalker. Especially because she didn't say any of those things to your son when he was pretending to be your husband. I would just not worry about it and PRAY for her. This will help you not be bitter and maybe help her. Remember your concerns and bitterness only hurt you not her and she is getting what she wants which is a rise out of you.
If this were happening to my family; I would be consulting an attorney, for two reasons. First; to address her claims about 'the daughter he forgot about', and second to send a letter to her insisting that she stop the harassment, or face charges or a civil suit.

added in edit: statutes vary by state, in my state, threats are not the only reason for seeking legal remedies. It's fine if you do not want to go the legal route; but if you do not want to consult an attorney to try and remedy her behavior, then why waste time worrying about what she is doing?
a) File harrassment with the police

b) She might be bipolar

c) He is childish

d) Ignore her

e) When you received a card from her, don't open it and mark on the envelope, :Return to sender - Moved%26quot;

f) If she calls you on the phone, Block it - you can check your phone book and learn how to block someone

Good Luck!

One of my guy friend's had ex-girlfriend mom psycho issues. This mom would not leave my friend alone. She would call him, email him, stalk him even! I think this mom wanted my friend to stay around so he could marry her daughter (haha yeah not happening!). This harrasment stuff went on for about a year or so until he collected enough evidence (one being a voicemail the mom left). I definately recommend filing for harassment or putting a restraining order on the situation. Keep whatever evidence you have to show proof. Even if it means finding ways to record a conversation if she ends up calling you somehow. his is serious and your family should not have to go through any of this. I am very sorry to hear about this mentally challenged woman -_- Sounds like she has no one to love her so she's getting back at you/family for taking her 'man' from the younger years.

I know ppl say to %26quot;ignore%26quot; her but its hard to ignore something thats being constantly being done to you. It gets to be a headache :-/
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