Friday 16 September 2011

I am DONE tutoring this kid . . . easiest way to tell his parents?

He is 18, and needs last semester's English credit to graduate this year. I knew him when he was much younger, and just returned within the last few months to the same church I knew him from years ago. Upon learning that my degree is in English, I became the logical choice (according to his parents/guardians) to tutor him. I agreed, not realizing how much the little bugger had changed in 10 years. The first 1/2 of the first night of %26quot;tutoring%26quot; consisted of me showing him how to read for answers, not actually reading the whole book, because he clearly didn't care enough to do that . . . so I gave him the shortcut. Yeah, my bad. After that, it devolved into basically me doing his tests and papers online, maybe he watches, 95% of the time he doesn't. Again, my bad, I wanted to get rid of him . . .save your chastising, I know I deserve it anyway. I told him 4 days ago to bring 2-3 sources for his project today, and have 3-4 pages handwritten so I'd know where he wanted to go with it. After his ride had pulled away, I found that he had nothing with him and basically wanted to just hang out.

Oh yeah, and there's the A) going through my cupboards, B) %26quot;pretending%26quot; to steal my money (I caught him), C) freakin' trying on my shirts!!!, D) getting into my (unlocked b/c I have no children) liquor cabinet, and E) just being an all-around pain in the butt.

There is no contract, there is no promise of money for tutoring, just a tacit agreement that I will be compensated, which, knowing his parents, was good enough for me. Right now, I don't care if they don't throw a penny at my house as they drive him away for the last time . . .I am DONE tutoring this kid . . . easiest way to tell his parents?Just because you have a degree in English doesn't mean you have teaching skills. Tell his parents that. Explain that you don't feel you're helping him at all and that they need to find someone more qualified.
I am DONE tutoring this kid . . . easiest way to tell his parents?
tell his parents. if they dont believe you show them some kind of proof and tell them your done. let them know he won't cooperate with you.
I am DONE tutoring this kid . . . easiest way to tell his parents?
that's horrible just tell it to the parents face that your through with him
I would just let his parents know what he has been doing. I think that if he is acting in such a way, you need to let them know that you can no longer handle his actions and attitude. If he gives you no respect, you shouldn't have to put up with it anymore. You might need to fess up too, but if it gets him out of your hair it should be worth it.
You're situation is tough, because like you said, it isn't a formal agreement. You are helping out a %26quot;friend%26quot; basically. It all comes down to if you are willing to possibly ruin the friendship with his parents. Because you have to be straight up, and say that you cannot work with him anymore, because his work ethic just isn't there. If he truly was there to get his grade up, and if he cared, then he should show it. And he isn't showing it, so call his parents one night soon and tell them exactly what has been going on. ANY parent would be furious with their child, and make them get into shape.

Good luck =)
I'd just explain it to them, you probably should have told them a long time ago, because theyre going to wonder why you put up with it so long

it's not going to be easy for them to hear, but i'm guessing they wont be too shocked since he needs a tutor in the first place

kid sounds like a privileged brat to me, people like that dont need someone to help them they need someone to kick their *** into gear

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