Friday 16 September 2011

I am so confused.. PLEASE help me..?

last night i was really upset, over nothing really.. and i ended up getting drunk and i wrote this message, i dont even remember writing it but its my handwriting and it was in my room..:

My hurricane is way to fast.. cut me some slack! every person that i look at knows who they is and i dont. Because i wont ever have my dream. Every pulse in me knows what i need to be. My head is bent up. Wherever it takes me belongs to a cemetery fighting wounds. I am fighting the wounds that i dont have.. You cant light what is not there.

When will i stop and give up? Down the slipway where no one looks there is someone else but i dont know who that is either. I just cant do that. Someday maybe they wont be there anymore. But i dont want them to come back. Who the **** am i? Why cant i face the reality of what i am? Please come back to me. Who am i to change a thing.

%26quot;whatever you do, you know, the world it keeps on turning%26quot;.

i want to stop what its doing to me. What will it do to me later and next? My profile is all lies and i know it. So do you. why does my share always have less. I deserve less but how does other people know that? You cant be something that you are not. You are who you are but i've never met myself propperly.

I want to die. I want to but i am scared of what i will leave behind. Behind me there is things. You cannot leave what you have. I have tried, you cant go that easy. You cant ******* escape.

You cant just try. WHen you try and fail, your secret is gone and your ******* trapped. You have to succeed. There is no other way. You canot sit and watch yourself die slowly, you have to decide. You die the moment you lose the will to live? I AM ******* DEAD THEN. when am i gone?

i want to do this, please let me go.. let me slip away. PLEASE when i am gone, no one will know. I will understand. So will you. Maybe tomorrow will never come. If it does then please tell me how to live.. How? i need help! please help me. I dont know how to ask. i dont know how to ask because i dont know what i need help with. i need you! when will you come?

i dont know what it means.. please help me! what should i do! i am 14..I am so confused.. PLEASE help me..?Sounds like you were crying out to Someone that has always been there for you, Someone that understands you and loves you, Someone that can take your pain away... The only problem is that you don't know Him. You've never accepted Him into your life, therefore, you can't find Him. He is waiting for you to reach out and accept Him, though. Ask Him to come into your life and take your pain away.

You're only 14? And getting drunk? And using profanities? What is this world coming to?
I am so confused.. PLEASE help me..?
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I am so confused.. PLEASE help me..?
Meaning: The moment is [always] upon you, you contend with it and it is the state you are in.

Reason: Drunken conjecture.

Action: You should write a reply to it, from sober, with every kind of better than that you can muster.
Sounds like you need to quit drinking. I have known happy drunks, I have known violent drunks,, you sound like a sad drunk. Stay off the booze, It does not sound like you are much fun when you drink.
i think you should see a doctor....probably a homeopath because homeopathy has very good results in this type of conditions...i think you ae depressed by something...take care

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