Friday 16 September 2011

I need advice?

This isnt anything miserable or anything though :)

Hi all, basically, i have had the same bedroom colours etc since i was about 7 years old, its 10 years later and i want a change! I want some advice on how to go about doing the things i want to do to my room, also some ideas of your own wouldnt be unhelpful!

Im a 17 year old guy, music is basically my life, im into everything so i cant specify, i also like the beach and surfing though i never get a chance to do it as i live no where near the sea, but i go in summer to cornwall (im english)!

I like bright colours, so i want a bright colour(s) of some kind as my wall paint, i would also like to be able to handwrite lyrics onto my walls of my favourite songs, but i have tried that and it looks pants because the walls arent completely flat, they have bumpy bits on, so how would i go about making parts of my wall smoother?

So yeah, thats it really, feel free to give me ideas on what to do to my room! Its quite small! Thanks a bunch!I need advice?I would go for a really cool deep shade of orange - it will satisfy your thing for brights, will still be mature, and will have a modern look - but i'd consider doing a %26quot;feature%26quot; wall - where you have the bright color on ONE wall - usually behind your bed -

here's an idea - i think it would look cool and with some updated accessories and bedding, it will be polished - u can do it easily!:鈥?/a>
I need advice?
Keep in mind that the darker the color, the smaller the room will look. So you could paint the walls a light color and use a bold, bright color to %26quot;handwrite lyrics%26quot; on the walls. That would be cool.

And to smooth out the bumps, use some kind of tool that scraps them off, then sand just to finish it at the end. They make tools with a razor blade thing on the end and that would work good.
I need advice?
light blue walls and hardwood sound beachy to me, then you could write your lyrics on it.
you have to sand down your walls so the bumbs are gone

it will take forever

then put a base white coat on teh wall

about a week later paint like a bright blue or orange

i would recomend the spill canvas or cartel for lyrics on your wall

also get some cool vintage decorations like old signs and stuff

hope this helps
You'll need to sand down the 'bumpy' bits first.

Then, find a color that you like. You might have a pillow, or a picture, or any object that has the colors that you like. Take it to a paint store and tell them that's what color paint you want.

They should be able to copy the color extactly. At least thats how we do it in the states. I brought a pillow into the paint store and they copied the colors perfectly.
well im like exactly like u except imma girl i think u should paint your walss like a under water sea with like some sand for part of it sinse i ansered your question can u answer one of mine please thnx hopefully i helped
hey, well i have a 17 yr old brother and he likes the same ideas as u, he decorated his room with crashing wave and he hung posters of kelly slater pretending to be on the crashing wave all he did was have bright blue light blue and aqua, white and orange. he then printed pictures of kelly slater of the computer and wow it is so affective it looks great!
I'm actually redecorating my room too. And I'm in the same exact situation, except I'm a girl and I'm not English (:

weird eh?

I decided to paint my room white and write on the walls with different bright colors. my wall are bumpy too, and the writing so far looks okay.

anyhow, there's this stuff they sell at home paint stores, i have no idea what its called. but its a cement-like plaster and I guess you could just spread it over select areas of the walls, to even out the texture..
I went to, and other web sites, go to local hardware stores, I looked at books at Lowes showing to same room with furniture showing it with blinds, or without and different colors, totally different looks, it says to sand walls and fill in holes with spackling, go to home improvement show websites also, you can make collages, and shapes, and special tiles, light sanding eithe hand sand or use power tool, and ask the specialists in the paint sections also wall covering stores. get those cards the paint sample cards showing different shades take these free cards home and place them on wall you could make 2 of your walls the same color and other 2 another color or write on those walls. Spray paint, like graphetti. get a friend that knows how to draw paint a beach scene for you.

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