Friday 16 September 2011

If a person who you live with has your social sec. number and uses it against your will?

If a person who you live with has your social sec. number

and you find forms for insurance fraud, mortgages, and long letters in handwriting clearly not yours with a completely clearly forged signature is there ANY way you can get a legal name change? They got it by looking through my things and threatening etc... How can you protect your social security number in the future? I was told that the soc. sec. number was to be left the way it is, but this is terrible and a bad situation unless, could there be a special circumstance like an emergency where it could be changed or something? This person is also abusive, has a history of stalking, threats, and money transfer scams at the bank?If a person who you live with has your social sec. number and uses it against your will?You are one of the few people here I can say this to; You can't get help here; you need the police and a good atty. Legal aid if you can't afford it; but the police for certain. You are the victim of a number of serious crimes.

Good luck
If a person who you live with has your social sec. number and uses it against your will?
This is ID theft. Call the police.
If a person who you live with has your social sec. number and uses it against your will?
Report to the police and get an injunction so that the person can't come near you
make a report to the police and they should be able to point you in the right direction as to getting all your stuff straightened out
If someone has used your social security number and opened accounts and forged your name, that is identity theft. Contact your local law enforcement and file a identify theft report. This will start the long process of getting items back on track.

The other person can also be charged criminally and ordered to pay restitution.
I also recommend strongly that you report this person to Social Security as well as his place of work if you know it.... Social Security, to my understanding does not change numbers.. but this is really an issue to speak to them about .. NOW.
Have you ever heard of the Gottey's? There's your cure for this situation! You need more than just changing your Social Security number. If you have proof of all this, turn it over to the authorities and then do what you need to do from there. Don't be intimidated by threats, that's all they are; besides if you have enough evidence, you really won't have to worry about this person for quite sometime..theft identity is a very serious crime, not to mention threatening someone (get it on tape too...or get a witness) there's your proof of the abusiveness and it'll help you when/if you get this ball rolling.
Take your evidence and go to the police! This is serious and can hurt you for a very long time to come. Check with the Social Security Administration and explain the situation. You can change your name legally and change it on your social security card. You must get away from this person. Good luck!!!
You need to file an identity theft report all over the place. Youre state has a consumer fraud division that helps consumers with a variety of forms and issues. You know alot of parents abuse their childrens social security numbers making it hard later for the child to get good credit when they come of age. Let me ask you, why is this NOT A CRIME? This is not what social security is for. I think if you contact a lawyer or legal aid they can advise you on filing to do, I think you also need to notify the credit bureaus of the abuse at the time you discover it. Your parents do not have the right to USE Your social security number and then ruin you. You can also write to the mortgage companies and insurance companies and credit card companies and advise them that you are either a minor , or in fact did not know of the use of it. Im not sure police would make a report, they hardly take criminal reports anymore.. their too busy eating doughnuts .. but anyhow.. you need to get a credit report under your social security number SEE WHAT CREDIT IS LISTED AGAINST YOUR NAME.. and then if its BAD .. write to them and tell them its not you, if its good, that may not hurt you necessarily when you go to apply for your own credit cards later. But make a record of it at the time you find out , so if the person doesnt pay the bills you wont get stuck with their theft of your number. IF youre a kid you have legal recourse against the misuse by your parents.
report it to the police and if u still talk to that person, tape everything without him knowing, if he threats or any conversation between u and him.
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