Friday 16 September 2011

Help interpreting this crazyy dream?

Okay so last night I had this really weird 4 part dream..

*To protect the identities of the people in my dream, some names have been changed.*

Part 1-

I was at school in my favorite class and I wanted to steal Mitch's (My true love's)

notebook to see if he wrote anything about me in it because apparently, the person who you were going to marry was written in your notebook. I waited til he was gone and took the notebook. I was all worried, though, about how I was going to get his notebook back in the room before he came back in. I was looking through it and found that the person he was going to marry was this girl in my grade who's name is Edna. I freaked outt. I was with my friend Scooter at the time and asked him who's handwriting this was. Before he could answer, I ran all the way back to my favorite class and set his notebook down just before he came it.

Part Two-

I was at my house, but I lived in like a sorority type thing with boys and girls from my school. I told my mom I was going for a walk and grabbed my coat and left, because I was mad about the Mitch and Edna thing. On my walk I had to walk through all these obstacles, and I had to walk up peoples porches and climb over them. It was quite challenging. I found Carly (one of my best friends) doing the same thing I was doing. Though I couldn't see her I could only hear her, she was talking to me about this one guys porch. Then we started talking about the Mitch thing and we went back to the sorority house, and Cathy (this really mean girl who stole something from me in the past) she was all smiley and happy, and we knew that she was going to marry Mitch. (But Cathy was actually Edna in my dream....)

Part Three-

I was with my three best friends, and we were sliding on our bellies on the ice down my street. Cars would drive by and we had to run and cling onto this icy hill that was really hard to hold on too.

This mater-looking truck drives by and I run onto the hill but I don't tell my friends the cars coming. I'm looking at them as they just make it onto the hill when the car comes by. They all got anrgy and said %26quot;Why didn't you tell us!%26quot; I said %26quot;Cause it was Mitch!%26quot;

Part Four-

I was with my grandparents and I was trying to open their garage door, when I tried to open it it would just go back down. Finally I got it open...and I was thinking about Mitch. Then, I turned and saw Mitch's parents and his best friend Sam's parents walking to Sam's house. (Sam's in love with me) The sight of them scared me. (they were scary looking)


What could this mean?

And it was all the same dream...

Thanks, molls.Help interpreting this crazyy dream?Part 1: It means you are afraid of loosing your Man. Jealously- also that he may like another girl. The fact that you are worried about how to get the notebook back with out him knowing means 2 things. It might mean at least how you feel about your self is that :1- You are not an honest person and 2- you are a cowardly.

*Though these thoughts are common they are weak. We learn to never be afraid or jealous as these feeling do not serve us.*

Part 2: You dream of going to college. Yay! Oh snap It really bothers you that you are jealous. You are so jealous. WoW! Obstacles meas Pain. Your best friend (Carly) has and always will be there for you in tuff times. You couldn't see her but could hear her. (You need her for some reason. idk?) This is a true friend any how. Then your Man marries the girl who you hate: Jealous. Is this obvious?

*It is proven that if you Hate something or someone youmake them stronger so just chill out*

Part 3: Having fun with friends is normal BUT-Okay when you dodge the car but leave your friends in danger by not telling them? Again a cowardly act and you feel bad about it. Then by giving an excuse by saying it was Mitch is a lie right? idk? But you fear your friends will judge you if you mess up. (common) This Mitch is getting obsessive. You should just tell him how you feel. Are you a couple yet?

Part 4: You love your grandparents and you seek their approval but you cant get it. You want to impress them but you cant. Then with the 4 parents going to Sams house means you feel guilty Sam loves you but you don't love him back. Both Mitch's parents and Sams parents don't know anything whats going on about You, Sam and Mitch. (mabey they should). I dont think Mitch even knows how you really feel about him. Does he?

*You gotta face Sam and tell him stop it. And face Mitch and tell Him you Love him. This way you will change your feelings of being weak for feelings being strong.* Also, step up, be courageous and be honest to tell the truth even if it Hurts or is embarrassing- This will help you*

* I am impressed with the complexity of your dreams. I advise you to keep a pad and pencil by your bed and start writing as soon as you wake* :)

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