My psych teacher this semester, whom I do not like at all, can%26#039;t write worth a damn. He doesn%26#039;t write on the board that often (thank goodness), but when he does, it literally looks like a bunch of loops. Apparently it%26#039;s supposed to be cursive, but my 7 year old niece can write better cursive than him.
1) Do YOU have neat handwriting? :P
I do, but when I get tired it turns to mush. I write sorta big, too.
2)What%26#039;s the worst teacher you%26#039;ve ever had?
I%26#039;d have to say this one. He thinks he knows EVERYthing, which is funny to say about a teacher, I guess, but he comes off as being really arrogant and he makes you feel stupid when you try to test his knowledge or ask him something.
3)What was your favorite thing to do on the play ground at recess?
Mine was tag. :)
4)What do you tend to do when you%26#039;re bored in class (besides day dream)?
I doodle in my notes. A lot.
5)Do you think it%26#039;s the teacher%26#039;s fault that their classes are boring, or is it your fault for not paying attention? Should they do more to keep us involved, or should it just be up to us to follow what they%26#039;re saying?
6) What%26#039;s the best, worst, funniest, or most embarrassing thing that%26#039;s ever happened in a classroom while you were in it?
7)Have you ever been to What are some of the things people have said about your MEANEST teacher?
Here are some of the funnier ones:
%26quot;very intelegent man. makes u want to change the world. but he can be verbally abusive. if you have tough skin you will be alright. READ THE BOOK AND REWIEW LECTURE.%26quot;
%26quot;Very Militant, self-absorbed, acts like God, nothing should come between him or anybody else. Rude, argumentative, lacks consideration. Provokes and interrupts students. If you are not knowledgable of the material. DONT ASK ANYTHING. YOU WILL BE BARADED AND FELT LIKE A CHILD GETTING CAUGHT WITH YOUR HAND IN THE COOKIE JAR. Worst I%26#039;ve ever had.%26quot;
%26quot;So WEIRD he%26#039;s funny. He%26#039;s like a white sumo wrestler wearing hawaiin t-shirts. I truly enjoyed taking this class it felt like kindergarten again... NAP TIME. Just be careful you may get chalked if you fall asleep. You know if your on his good side... he%26#039;ll give an occasional wink. The guy has no life!%26quot;
%26quot;Everybody has this guy all wrong. If you are a sissy who can%26#039;t take a little constructive criticism then you won%26#039;t like him. He is arrogant because he is a very knowledgeable professor. He is very clear in what he wants, he tells you everything thats going to be on the test, no homework (except one paper at the end), and hes hilarious.%26quot;
8) Lastly, when you sneeze in class, does anyone ever say %26quot;bless you%26quot;?
No one does for me, but I think it%26#039;s because my sneezes are quiet. lol.|||1. No, my hand writing sucks azz. I write really quick and sloppy. It looks sorta like a guy. haha
2. My geometry teacher in tenth grade. He told my parents he saw hatred from me, so it reflected back on to me. wtf
3. I%26#039;d play soccer and football with the guys. haha
4. I sleep, people watch.
5. The teacher%26#039;s fault some of the time. If there are fun people then the class is usually fun.
6. Like a week ago in my trig class, we were doing a math warm up. One of the questions was like %26quot;what language would you translate this in?%26quot; I was like %26quot;wtf kind of language are they talking about, spanish?%26quot; So then I got called to answer it and I said I didn%26#039;t know. Then my teacher asked me what my favorite language was and I was like %26quot;uhh spanish?!?%26quot; Then my teacher gave me this look like I was retarded and all my friends started laughing. He was asking about languages in percents, decimals, and fractions. :P My story isn%26#039;t funny at all, but i felt like a dumbass. haha
7. nope
8. yeah i sneeze like a freak. probably because it%26#039;s an 1/8 of an orgasm.|||1) Yes, I believe I do, when I am taking my time(;
2) My first grade teacher who really needed retirement. She f*ckin hated me! And always accused me of cheating!! D:
3) Play Groundies(: With all my buddies :D And one of my friends, always made up these adventures for us, based off of movies like Aliens, and he would be the monster, tell us what to do and how to act and chase us around. Oh my God it was sooo fun back then!
4) Doodle.
5) Depends on if I like learning about it. I like English and Spanish, therefore, its not boring. Its the other way around for Chemistry and Geometry though.
6) Lol I dunno.
7) Haha never heard of it.
8) Hardly :P|||Questions:
1) Do YOU have neat handwriting? :P
Depending on my mood. If I%26#039;m upset I write all curly and loopy and you can%26#039;t read it, if I%26#039;m in a do-what-i%26#039;m told mood I write very neatly.
2)What%26#039;s the worst teacher you%26#039;ve ever had?
My eigth grade english teacher. He scared me, he would always get me alone, when everyone had gone and talk to me, and I actually had a panic attack while he was talking to me. There was a weird vibe from him, and he would always call on me, and praise me, and mortally embrass me in front of the whole class.
3)What was your favorite thing to do on the play ground at recess?
Mine was to go on the swings ( :
4)What do you tend to do when you%26#039;re bored in class (besides day dream)?
I read books under the desk, pass notes, or doodle :)
5)Do you think it%26#039;s the teacher%26#039;s fault that their classes are boring, or is it your fault for not paying attention? Should they do more to keep us involved, or should it just be up to us to follow what they%26#039;re saying?
I think they should make it more fun so not half the class falls asleep :( I think it%26#039;s seriously the teacher%26#039;s fault, if they%26#039;re passionate about the subject they teach, they should actually make it fun.
6) What%26#039;s the best, worst, funniest, or most embarrassing thing that%26#039;s ever happened in a classroom while you were in it?
Ah I have no idea :( Probably when our fish tank exploded in fourth grade and half the room got wet, and full of fish. :) it was a great moment.
7)Have you ever been to What are some of the things people have said about your MEANEST teacher?
I%26#039;ve never been there :(
8) Lastly, when you sneeze in class, does anyone ever say %26quot;bless you%26quot;?
Sometimes, when I can%26#039;t hold it in :)|||YES! and you cant read it at all. meh...
1) my handwriting is good when i want it to be
2) one this year. her name is MRS TOLLER
3) teatherball lol
4) doodle or think about stuff
5) teachers fault
6) i said something awkward/personal a little too loud before class started, and the room went silent
7) no but i will right now:D|||I agree.
1) yeah.
2) my math teacher this year. doesnt know what hes talking about, makes simple mistakes in the math...SO bad.
3) talk. :)
4) doodle, text.
5) a little of both.
6) a guy was high in class and the teacher called on him...hilarity ensued. :P he had no idea what he was saying. so funny.
7) yeah ive been there, most of the comments are positive actually.
8) people usually say %26quot;AWWW, your sneezes are so cute!%26quot; not even kidding, i get that at least once every time i sneeze. my sneezes are really little.|||Lol that%26#039;s funny.
1.Do you have neat handwriting?
Other people think so, but I don%26#039;t really unless I take my time.
2)What%26#039;s the worst teacher you%26#039;ve ever had?
I%26#039;d probably have to say my physics teacher freshman year in high school. She didn%26#039;t teach us anything and when somebody would ask a question she would answer it with another question. Which wasn%26#039;t helping me at all.
3)What was your favorite thing to do on the play ground at recess?
Umm..glide on the glider (:
4)What do you tend to do when you%26#039;re bored in class (besides day dream)?
I doodle on my notes too or any thing I can doodle on. (:
5)Do you think it%26#039;s the teacher%26#039;s fault that their classes are boring, or is it your fault for not paying attention? Should they do more to keep us involved, or should it just be up to us to follow what they%26#039;re saying?
Yes because if they did fun things and teach they wouldn%26#039;t have to worry about me not paying attention to them. Idk on the second part it can go either way depending on how I%26#039;m feeling because sometimes I don%26#039;t want to get involved in things.
6) What%26#039;s the best, worst, funniest, or most embarrassing thing that%26#039;s ever happened in a classroom while you were in it? many to remember.
7)Have you ever been to What are some of the things people have said about your MEANEST teacher?
Nope I never even heard of that website before. They say really mean things, like the way they look or how they act or what they think their life is like at home, anything.
8) Lastly, when you sneeze in class, does anyone ever say %26quot;bless you%26quot;?
Sometimes, it depends on what class I%26#039;m in.|||Don%26#039;t you hate when teachers can%26#039;t write? I remember one time when I was in the second grade, and we hadn%26#039;t learned cursive yet. We had a substitute teacher and he wrote on the board only in cursive. He wouldn%26#039;t listen to us when we told him we couldn%26#039;t read what he was writing. Then, when the teacher came back, we were all complaining, some were even crying. Kind of ridiculous.
1. It depends. Most of the time I have really neat handwriting, but I can get sloppy if I am bored.
2. Worst teacher? Umm. . . Probably my health teacher. He had no clue what he was talking about, couldn%26#039;t pronounce the simplest of words, and the only prerequisite to get an A on a project was making it colorful.
3. Swings and Monkey bars. Hands down. But not really, because that would cause you to fall.
4. I doodle. I draw stars and hearts. All the time.
5. I think a lot of it is the teacher, for not doing something interesting. I%26#039;m a %26quot;good student%26quot; and I really do try to pay attention to the teachers, but I have one who makes me fall asleep almost every single day. It%26#039;s not my fault.
6. Ooh. Two words. Biology: Organism. . .
7. Unfortunately, I%26#039;m still in high school. So. . . that doesn%26#039;t apply to me. :|
8. No one says bless you to me, but I say it to everyone else.|||you must be the only person who can have an extremely long question and still get answers hahah
1) I actually do. I write really hard though.
2) Probably my current French teacher. She doesn%26#039;t help AT ALL with french club, she assigns random tests, doesn%26#039;t control the class at all (i don%26#039;t mind the third one so much, it%26#039;s the only fun class i have :/ )
3) I remember we used to beat each other up in fifth grade. When it was actually more like push each other in the wood chips hahahha it was girls vs. boys... THE BATTLES OF THE SEXES (the ten year old inside me giggles at %26quot;sexes%26quot;)
4) Just day dream. Sometimes I write my name in cool letters.
5) hmm... it%26#039;s a matter of how %26quot;involved%26quot; the class is, and how interested you are in the subject. in ap us, it%26#039;s intense, intense notes, no one doses off. in bio, it%26#039;s notes too, but a lot of fill-in and coloring. basically anything where you%26#039;re required to write down everything the teacher is saying will keep your attention, and if it%26#039;s really complicated you probably won%26#039;t get bored, just freak out over stress.
6) Probably the worst was when in eighth grade english the teacher was like %26quot;are there any students in here, just out of curiousity, who aren%26#039;t christian?%26quot; (i%26#039;m not even sure if she can ask that.) anyways, being stupid, I raised my hand and said I was Jewish. the popular jerk ******* are sniggering in the corner at the lack of white Protestantism going on and my big ol%26#039; nose and greediness... (i don%26#039;t really have that big a nose though hahah)
7) OMG I HAVEN%26#039;T BEEN ON RATEMYTEACHER.COM IN YEARS! they started making you pay, which is stupid.
8) Meh, sometimes. I haven%26#039;t sneezed too often though.
that was enjoyable!|||1) Do YOU have neat handwriting? - It was better in elementary school and I was behind in reading and writing till grade three or four. Do I need to say more? I doubt it because you can probably tell that it is not very good. I don%26#039;t know how to write %26quot;z,%26quot; capital or lower case.
2) What%26#039;s the worst teacher you%26#039;ve ever had? - Grade one. She was a complete idiot. She humiliated me in front of the class for trying to help a girl by erasing and replacing an answer on a test. I know I shouldn%26#039;t have done that, but I was only five or had just turned six. I was trying to do the girl a favour, not do something wrong. She asked in front of the whole class if they had seen me replace the girl%26#039;s answer on her test. A lot of people said they had.
Another time, she got mad at me and had my mom have a whole conversation with her because I mixed up another girl%26#039;s shoe, which was identical to my shoes, with one of my own.
When I was in grade four, she was with her class in the hallway, saw me and gave me a hug, telling her class how I had been her student. she was a very fake fake person who should have never been a teacher.
3)What was your favorite thing to do on the play ground at recess? - My two favourite things to do at lunch were ghost hunt with my one good friend and collect quartz pebbles from the playground with another good friend. ghost hunting was also creepy because I actually believed in ghosts and that I was seeing them and stuff.
4)What do you tend to do when you%26#039;re bored in class (besides day dream)? - I have no one to talk to in any of my classes, so I usually just write out all the hiragana and katakana (two of three Japanese writing systems. Nowhere as complicated as kanji) on a piece of paper. It makes me feel more relaxed and gives me something to do. I also do that when I%26#039;m stressed out or unhappy.
5)Do you think it%26#039;s the teacher%26#039;s fault that their classes are boring, or is it your fault for not paying attention? Should they do more to keep us involved, or should it just be up to us to follow what they%26#039;re saying? - I think it%26#039;s part of their job to make things more interesting. Many times I have tried to pay attention to or understand a lesson but just couldn%26#039;t because it wasn%26#039;t interesting enough or just plain boring. Boring lessons make it harder to understand the lesson and also harder to concentrate.
6) What%26#039;s the best, worst, funniest, or most embarrassing thing that%26#039;s ever happened in a classroom while you were in it? - Not sure. Many embarrassing things happen to me. I%26#039;ve become pretty immune to embarrassment at school. I fear it a lot but when it happens I tend to care less than most people would.
7) Have you ever been to What are some of the things people have said about your MEANEST teacher? - She isn%26#039;t really mean, she just expects too much, talks about herself too much, seems to be kind of full of herself and makes a lot of jokes that aren%26#039;t funny. I don%26#039;t dislike her at all, she%26#039;s actually a really nice person, just her classes and some things about her aren%26#039;t very likable. Her rating is 3.9, so not bad at all, but I honestly don%26#039;t want to have her as a teacher again. I have her next semester, though...:0(
Here are what some people have said about her:
%26quot;My daughter has told me she is highly intelligent but does not know how to teach what she knows. Talks about herself way too much and intimidates the students which takes away from their learning%26quot;
%26quot;%26quot;Ms.%26quot; (teacher) made my class feel extremely uncomfortable. All she does is talk bout her life, brag, %26amp; try 2 tell jokes. no 1 laughs. %26amp; she gets angry so easily, my class was scared out of their wits.%26quot;
%26quot;Great teacher, she truly got our class to stop memorizing and start learning. The only thing bad thing is the amount of class time we spend listening to her talk about her own life%26quot;
Most of her ratings were good. I%26#039;ll admit that she is a good teacher, IF you%26#039;re willing to study a lot and ask a lot of questions. And if you really like science. For me, I barely passed her class last year and I don%26#039;t know if I%26#039;ll pass my science class next semester. I%26#039;m not good at math or science. Science that involves doing math stuff anyway. I never get that.
8) Lastly, when you sneeze in class, does anyone ever say %26quot;bless you%26quot;? - They seem to do that more at the beginning of every year, then kind of stop after two or three weeks|||They should. But a lot of them don%26#039;t. I%26#039;m lucky to never have had a teacher who couldn%26#039;t write.
1. People tell me my writing is neat. I don%26#039;t really think it is, but hey.
2. My Health teacher was pretty bad. He was just kind of...clueless. My English teacher is absolutely horrible. He%26#039;s kind of perverted and he can%26#039;t control a class. We never learn anything.
3. Swings. Definitely swings.
4. I read. My classes are so uneventful I never miss anything.
5. They should do something to keep our attention. We should be responsible for paying attention, but they could definitely afford to make it easier for us. It%26#039;s like once they become a teacher they forget what It%26#039;s like to be a student.
6. Um, honestly, I try really hard to forget EVERYTHING about school, good, bad, embarrassing.
7. I have not.
8. Yeah, they do and I get all embarrassed.|||1. I don%26#039;t have neat handwriting. 2. It would be hard to say which one was the worst, there were so many. I guess Coach Bailey, no, wait, my second grade teacher, no, wait, well it would have been easier picking a nice one, there were so few nice ones. 3. Swing on the swings. 4. I guess I did doodle some, flowers. 5. Tricky question. Sometimes they don%26#039;t get to choose what they teach. I think they should try methods that make learning fun, but students also have to put in an effort. It is hard to enjoy a class you really don%26#039;t like. I don%26#039;t think you should just believe a teacher because they are a teacher, you have to learn to think for yourself. 6. I would imagine it would have been a child getting sick. 7. I have never been to that site, I wonder if your Professor is narcissistic, it sounds like it. 8. Yes, we were allowed to say %26quot;God bless you%26quot; when we were children, it was still allowed back then.
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